Annunciati i prezzi di Win7 retail e opzioni di upgrade

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Annunciati i prezzi di Win7 retail e opzioni di upgrade

Messaggioda leofelix » 25 giu 2009, 18:27 ... #more-1715

June 25th, 2009

Microsoft today announced Windows 7 retail pricing, availability, upgrade and other details. OEMs will start shipping PCs with Windows 7 in all language versions beginning on GA, October 22nd.

On October 22nd, Windows 7 will be available in the following 14 languages: English, Spanish, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Chinese (Hong Kong).

or people who need a new PC now but still want to get Windows 7 and that’s the Windows 7 Upgrade Option Program, which kicks off tomorrow, June 26th! Anyone who buys a PC from a participating OEM or retailer with Windows Vista Home Premium, Business or Ultimate on it will all receive an upgrade to the corresponding version of Windows 7 at little or no cost to customers. The Windows 7 Upgrade Option Program will be available until January 31st, 2010 – and is global! For more information on taking advantage of the Windows 7 Upgrade Option Program, visit

The estimated retail prices for upgrade packaged retail product of Windows 7 in the U.S. are:

•Windows 7 Home Premium (Upgrade): $119.99
•Windows 7 Professional (Upgrade): $199.99
•Windows 7 Ultimate (Upgrade): $219.99

And the estimated retail prices for full packaged retail product of Windows 7 in the U.S. are:

•Windows 7 Home Premium (Full): $199.99
•Windows 7 Professional (Full): $299.99
•Windows 7 Ultimate (Full): $319.99

As a way of saying thank you to their loyal Windows customers, Microsoft has introduced a special time limited offer, for people in select markets. They will have the opportunity to pre-order Windows 7 at a more than 50% discount.

Splendido copia e incolla, scusate ma non avevo proprio voglia di tradurre e sono sicuro che l'odore dei dollari è leggibile da chiunque :p
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Re: Annunciati i prezzi di Win7 retail e opzioni di upgrade

Messaggioda zen67 » 28 set 2009, 14:09

considerazioni sulle versioni oem...,2817,2353363,00.asp
I grandi spiriti hanno sempre incontrato violenta opposizione da parte delle menti mediocri. :suka:
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