rumors su Windows 8

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rumors su Windows 8

Messaggioda sk888 » 1 mar 2010, 18:34

Come al solito cominciano a girare in rete un sacco di filmati che riguardano la futura release di Windows, ovvero Windows 8.

Molte sono delle minchiate e dei fake ottenuti con dei semplici programmini di mod grafico o piccole applicazioni che aggiungono effetti, ma questo filmato mi sembra piuttosto veritiero e, se non lo fosse, vi prego di farmi sapere quale programma crea queste visualizzazioni :cool:

Si tratta di un vero e proprio concept o di un ennesimo fake ? (che poi siamo sinceri, Microsoft ha sempre mostrato un sacco di concept ma nel concreto non è che abbia mai messo in pratica chissà cosa)

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Re: rumors su Windows 8

Messaggioda Macao » 19 mar 2010, 0:37

sarei proprio curioso di sapere quanto ciuccia il motore grafico...
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Iscritto il: 5 gen 2010, 18:52

Re: rumors su Windows 8

Messaggioda zen67 » 5 nov 2010, 10:18

In a recent presentation before an audience of industry analysts, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer noted that Windows 8 -- which some experts have predicted will ship in just two years -- represents the next "riskiest product" for his company.

It's hard to tell for sure if Ballmer meant it will be hard for Microsoft to build Windows 8 in such a way that it can top Windows 7. Some analysts have already suggested it could mean that major changes are in store for the next Microsoft operating system, and that together these alterations represent a major risk for the company.

Not much is yet known about Windows 8, but rumors suggest it could represent an OS that heavily resembles Apple's current navigational system piloted by touchscreen technology. Sales of the Apple iPad have shown that touch controls are here to stay, and it will be up to Microsoft to challenge their rivals by implementing these into the next version of Windows.

And while it's true Windows 7 includes support for multi-touch technology, that operating system is in no way built from the ground-up with it in mind. A number of navigational functions simply don't use the tech well, making an old-school keyboard still very necessary.

Keeping the Focus on Windows 7
As usual, Ballmer didn't add much else about Windows 8, and it makes sense. He'll want to keep the focus on Windows 7 for now, in order to maintain its strong start. The company last week announced first quarter revenues of $16.2 billion, a hike of 25 per cent over the same period last year. Sales of Windows 7 deserve much of the credit for that resurgence: Microsoft noted that an incredible 240 million licenses of the OS have shipped to date.

saranno interessanti gli sviluppi.....

I grandi spiriti hanno sempre incontrato violenta opposizione da parte delle menti mediocri. :suka:
A. Einstein
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Re: rumors su Windows 8

Messaggioda zen67 » 24 gen 2011, 14:25

Rumor, rumor, rumors. Microsoft is tight lipped about their upcoming operating system Windows 8 because of the possible impact on Windows 7 sales. What we know about Windows 8 so far is an assortment of indirect official information, from job postings for instance and leaked documents. The majority of news about Windows 8 on the other hand comes from rumors. We have seen some crazy rumors in the past, that Windows 8 would be released in 2011 for instance.

Blogs and other news portals have picked up a story on the Russian website Wzor recently which detailed the Windows 8 development plan up to the retail release data of the operating system.

According to that post, Windows 8 would be available in stores on January 7, 2013.

The development allegedly is scheduled the following way:

Windows 8 Milestone 1, 2 and 3, with Milestone 3 development beginning in March 2011.
Followed by two public betas, Windows 8 Beta 1 and 2 which will both be offered publicly.
The Windows 8 release candidate follows and then three months later the Windows 8 RTM release.
Boxed retail versions are available from January 7, 2013 on.
Without confirmation that’s just another rumor out of the many available that try to pinpoint the release date of the operating system.

It would however coincide well with the projected Windows 8 release three years after the release of Windows 7 which a news post on Microsoft Netherlands’ website suggested.

The actual release data is determined by factors that are not under complete control right now, problems during development for instance could delay the release of the operating system. It is however still fair to assume that Windows 8 will not be released before the fourth quarter of 2012.

I grandi spiriti hanno sempre incontrato violenta opposizione da parte delle menti mediocri. :suka:
A. Einstein
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Iscritto il: 5 giu 2009, 7:53
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