10 cose che i sysadmin devono fare prima di far usare win 7

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10 cose che i sysadmin devono fare prima di far usare win 7

Messaggioda zen67 » 29 set 2009, 13:42

anche se nelle aziende non ci sarà questo grande movimento per il nuovo s.o. sembra.....

interest System Admins and touches upon the following topics:

- Getting to know Windows 7
- Dealing with the latest volume-activation requirements
- Developing a roadmap
- Handling new distributed-security features
- Virtualizing desktops and infrastructures
- Removing users' local-admin rights

"It's going to take a lot of work to prepare for and deploy Windows 7, but it helps that users really want the new OS. The opportunity to be popular as a system administrator doesn't come along very Good luck with your Windows 7 deployment

I grandi spiriti hanno sempre incontrato violenta opposizione da parte delle menti mediocri. :suka:
A. Einstein
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