Blade FTP (freeware)

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Blade FTP (freeware)

Messaggioda Lionsquid » 18 lug 2009, 0:13

Blade FTP è un'ottimo client FTP gratuito, valida alternativa a FileZilla e con qualche problema di stabilità in meno. Anche in italiano!

What is BladeFTP
BladeFTP is a FREE FTP client with a lot of new and useful features. It allows you browse several FTP site at the same time, you can also create a task and add the files into it, the task can execute automatically, it makes the updating and downloading very easy.

Another new feature is History Manage, it can record the detail of uploading and downloading every time. When you are going to update your web site, you can re-execute the history simply.

Intergrate BladeEditor with 22 highters. It is an easy to use text-editor and multi-language was supported also.

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Re: Blade FTP (freeware)

Messaggioda leofelix » 18 lug 2009, 14:03

e proviamolo, thanks
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Re: Blade FTP (freeware)

Messaggioda doomboy » 3 ago 2009, 8:26

L'ho provato nel week end perchè WinSCP mi da molti problemi di timeout in ftp standard.

Non male, sopratutto essendo freeware. L'ho trovato semplice e funzionale. Meglio di Filezilla che personalmente ho sempre odiato :)
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